Hudhud Donors


Was established in 2010. It is registered as non-profit organization in Canada to operate under “TACA” trade name. TACA organizes under its constitution and time to time amended laws.

Donor Name Date Amount
Bhaskar Varma 15-10-2014 $ 101.00
Veeranjaneyulu Kota 01-12-2014 $ 116.00
Prabhakar Pothuri 25-10-2014 $ 100.00
TACA Muslim Community 15-10-2014 $ 216.00
Sreedhar Gonepally 02-12-2014 $ 50.00
Ravi Kiran Chavva 04-12-2014 $ 100.00
Jahangeer Mohammed 04-12-2014 $ 50.00
Lokesh Chillakuru 04-12-2014 $ 116.00
Bhanu Pothakamuri 01-11-2014 $ 116.00
Subhashini Nallapati 03-11-2014 $ 101.00
Chari Samanthapudi 01-12-2014 $ 116.00
Rama Chandra Rao Duggina 15-10-2014 $ 101.00
Prema Narayana Reddy 15-10-2014 $ 50.00

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Telugu Alliances of Canada

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